This is a photo of a pistachio nut with salt. A picture of a very close up of a nut. Close up it is hard to tell what anything is and that's where I am today. I'm looking at everything with eyes pressed up against the glass trying to make sense of it.
The writing is going so slowly and there seems to be no relief in sight. I have ideas about what it is that I want to do with the story line, but how to get there, what character goes where and for what reasons, all these thing seem to illude me. I'll get back into the writing today. Hey, a day like any other day, but there's no lightness in my touch, no happy discoveries of what it is that can or will be able to do with my plot line, only hard and challenging work. So, enjoy this picture of a pistachio nut and I'm wishing you a day filled with great excitment and deep, wonderful moments of creative exploration.
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