Here is an update on the Yankee Stadium. There is still quite a ways to go with the construction, but it's moving along. Steve and I take the #4 train to the site, we get off the train and walk to the end of the platform where there is a fantastic view of everything that's going on. It's really quite something to see. How often do you get to see a project this big getting built? Any way, not that often for me.
I was down with the flu and just in the last day or two have I felt like life was worth living again. There is something about being sick that is like no other experience. There's always an end but you feel like shit and nothing is good, food, reading, movies, conversation, they all seen like worthless acts.
But that was then and this is now. We're now in daylight savings time and the weather has turned wonderful with gobs of bright sunshine and the temperature has become spring like.
I'm still trying to figure out how to use this blog for my benifit, or even to figure out why I started it in the first place. I'm working hard on my novel and finally it feels like I'm making progress. The project is in the rough draft stage though the plot is beginning to move along with less clunks and glitches. I have a better handle on what it is that my characters need to do to help me get this thing moving towards it's end. The sooner they get their act together the sooner we can finish with this book and move on to the next story.
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